Have you ever struggled
to capture the best images
of your patients to make a
confident diagnosis?
Introducing Connect! Edu Training from BMV
Connect! Edu is an online sonography education and instruction Platform that brings professional sonographers, educators, and technology solutions together to assist you in a real-time learning environment, wherever you may be. Learn how to make the most out of your , BCU60, PT70, or even your MX9, MX5 without ever leaving your practice. Whether you have a technically difficult patient appointment coming up, or just want to learn how to get the best images possible on a standard client, our professional sonographers are available to assist you when you need it most.
5 amazing benefits of Connect! Edu
- Real-time assistance, with video and audio streaming.
- Sonographers dedicated to assisting you when you need it.
- No additional hardware or software purchase necessary
- Allows for perfect image capture for telemedicine review
- Increases your scanning knowledge wherever you are. No need to leave your practice.

Real-time Assistance.
Wherever you are, with Connect! Edu, we can assist you in scanning, getting a second opinion, or even learning a new technique right through your device.

Faster Patient Diagnosis.
With the ability to have instant images, and being able to save and share, you can not only get a second opinion, but also diagnose your patient in a quarter of the time of traditional X-Rays.

Learn From Anywhere.
We’re proud of our ability to teach and instruct users in the abdominal and cardiac scanning techniques through Connect! Edu. Imagine increasing your scanning technique with one on one assistance. Connect! Edu delivers on that every day!
BMV Telemedicine Consultants
Small-animal and equine consults
A detailed written interpretation of imaging studies is provided based on the patient medical history and presenting complaints.
- Radiographs
- Ultrasound
- Radiographs and ultrasounds
- CT
Cardiac consults and screens
A detailed written interpretation of an ECG or cardiac imaging study is provided based on the patient medical history and presenting complaints.
- Consult with diagnostic and therapeutic recommendations
- Preanesthetic screens
- Wellness screens
Dental, exotics, and other consults
A detailed written assessment is provided based on the patient medical history and presenting complaints.
- Dental consults
- Exotic consults
- Internist consults
- Dermatology consults